Mixing Impellers

There are many types of impeller. Each impeller is unique to the type of product being mixed.

There are open impellers (turbulent mixing) and closed impellers (laminar mixing).

Impellers impart radial and axial mixing. Some are more axial and some are more radial.

An impeller has a unique Pumping Number (Nq), which helps to calculate the pumping capacity of the impeller in gallons per minute and hence determine the number of tank turnovers that can be achieved within a certain amount of time, which we call the Blend Time.

An impeller also has a Power Number (Np), which helps us determine the power required by the impeller with respect to its design, diameter, and rotation speed.

We have power numbers and flow numbers for many impellers found in the marketplace.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) allows for modeling the results of your mixing application and saves time in the process of selecting the most efficient mixer / agitator. VFD plots courtesy of VAK KIMSA

Axial Flow

Axial Flow

Anchor Viscous Material

Anchor Viscous Material

Rushton Gas Dispersion

Rushton Gas Dispersion

Curved Blade Gas Dispersion

Curved Blade
Curved Blade Gas Dispersion

Cowles Saw Tooth High Dispersion

Cowles Saw Tooth
Cowles Saw Tooth High Dispersion

Rotor Stator High Dispersion

Rotor Stator
Rotor Stator High Dispersion