Reynolds Number

Correct identification of the process is vital to ensuring that the static mixer will perform.

Data required: Pipe size. If pipe size is not available then, in turbulent flow, size smaller liquid pipes for a velocity of 3 feet/second, and larger ones up to 5 feet / second.

If there is a pressure drop limit, the Mixer diameter can be set to match this limit.

Flow Regime

The flow regime of the Mixer whether laminar, transitional, or turbulent, will dictate the number of elements through the Reynolds number table below. The equation for Reynolds number is as follows:

Reynolds Number Equation

Where Q = Flow rate (m3/h)ρ = Density (kg/m3)μ = Viscosity (cPs)

D = Pipe Inside Diameter (mm)

Reynolds Number Equation

Where Q = Flow rate (usgpm)

sg = Specific Gravity

μ = Viscosity (cPs)

D = Pipe Inside Diameter (inch)